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(134/207) 2933982 - ShortCut OptionPane:mouse wheel + modifiers bound to actions

I would be nice to add this feature. Zooming by pressing CTR button and scrolling mouse.

Submitted Anonymous - 2010-01-17 - 22:07:54z Assigned nobody
Priority 5 Category core
Status Open Group None
Resolution None Visibility No


2010-01-18 - 02:09:24z
Here's a couple of macros that I use to "zoom" (increase/decrease the font size of) the text area. I have them assigned to Ctrl + = and Ctrl + -, which is the same key combination that Firefox uses to increase or decrease the font size. Just save these to your ~/.jedit/macros directory, then go to Utilities - Global Options - Shortcuts to assign the keyboard shortcuts. I don't know how these could be assigned to mouse actions.


public void incFont() {
java.awt.Font font = textArea.getPainter().getFont();
String name = font.getName();
int size = font.getSize() + 1;
int style = font.getStyle();
font = new Font( name, style, size );
new Runnable() {
public void run() {
jEdit.setFontProperty( "view.font", font );
org.gjt.sp.jedit.EditBus.send(new org.gjt.sp.jedit.msg.PropertiesChanged(null));




public void decFont() {
java.awt.Font font = textArea.getPainter().getFont();
String name = font.getName();
int size = font.getSize();
size = size > 1 ? size - 1 : 1;
int style = font.getStyle();
font = new Font( name, style, size );
new Runnable() {
public void run() {
jEdit.setFontProperty( "view.font", font );
org.gjt.sp.jedit.EditBus.send(new org.gjt.sp.jedit.msg.PropertiesChanged(null));

2010-01-18 - 03:23:30z
There are macros already that let you increase/decrease font size, under "Macros/Interface", which also increase/decrease the console and gutter font sizes.

But as far as I know, there is no way to bind the mouse wheel to actions in jEdit, is there?

It would be nice if we could bind wheel movements and ctrl+wheel movements to any action or macro, like we can with other keystrokes.
